The Grand Assembly
The Grand Assembly
Eugene Onegin: "Reading Fashion"
A plethora of dandies and ladies dancing together in the ballroom, as part of the 'city' culture that Tatyana enters.
Elizabeth LaFave
Text: Alexander Pushkin; Eugene Onegin
Image: Костюм в Русский Художественной Культуре
Image: Костюм в Русский Художественной Культуре
Text: Oxford's World Classics
Image: Большая Советская Энициклопедия
Image: Большая Советская Энициклопедия
«Её привозят и в Собранье.
Там теснота, волненье, жар,
Музыки грохот, свеч блистанье,
Мельканье, вихорь быстрых пар,
Красавиц легкие уборы,
Людьми пестреющие хоры,
Невест обширный полукруг,
Всё чувства поражает вдруг.
Здесь кажут франты записные
Свое нахальство, свой жилет» (7, LI, 180).
“They take her to the Grand Assembly;
And there the crush, the glare, the heat,
The music’s roar, the ballroom trembling,
Thee whirling flash of pairs of feet,
The beauties in their filmy dresses,
The swarming gallery throng that presses,
The host of girls on marriage hunts—
Assault the senses all at once.
Here practiced dandies bow and slither
To show their gall…and waistcoats too” (Chapter 7, Stanza 51, Page 180).
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- Date Added
- September 25, 2017
- Collection
- "Reading" Fashion in A. Pushkin's Eugene Onegin: Word as Image in 1820s Imperial Russia
- Item Type
- Text
- Tags
- City, dandy, Grand Assembly, Tatyana
- Citation
- Elizabeth LaFave, “The Grand Assembly,” Collections @ ECU, accessed March 6, 2025,