Browse Exhibits (7 total)
Disease in the Greco-Roman World
Biological evidence, while useful, has its flaws. For one thing, not all signs of disease show up in the bones. Those that do, may not be indicative of one specific disease, but rather, several possible diseases. Skeletons may also be incomplete and therefore lacking the bones that would show signs of certain diseases. DNA evidence may not be available depending on the condition of the remains. DNA also cannot show all possible causes of death and diseases. However biological evidence can also be very helpful. It may show the overlap of diseases in an area or be able to narrow down which disease a person had. Biological evidence can also give some idea of what life may have been like such as nutrition, or exposure to certain chemicals.
Archaeological evidence also has its flaws. For one thing, while we may find an object, we won’t necessarily know what it was for. In addition, we do not always understand the context in which an artifact is found. If we find an artifact that has a similar appearance to something we have today, we may assume what its use is. Archaeological evidence is also very useful. It can tell us what methods were being used to heal/cure diseases. It can also tell us who was using artifacts such as whether they were used by healers or in the home. In addition they can tell us the ritual of medicine and what things were important in medicine.
Textual evidence can also be flawed. For one thing, many diseases may be categorized under one broad term that, today, covers a much more specific set of symptoms. In addition, some of the terms used in textual evidence do not correspond to any disease or symptom we recognize today. Textual evidence may also be incomplete due to loss or deterioration of the pages themselves. This means that only part of what was written is available for analysis. Textual evidence may also be biased based on who wrote it and therefore may be unreliable in its suggestion of treatments. However, textual evidence also provides a very unique perspective into how disease was believed to be spread and how it was prevented. It is a very unique snapshot into how disease was treated and prevented as well as what people thought was causing it.
Digital Barcelona 2017

This two-part interactive DIGITAL BARCELONA project grew out of an East Carolina University Honors Seminar class taught during fall 2016. The digital humanities project includes both an exhibit created using a campus installation of Omeka and a map interface constructed in Omeka’s Neatline plug-in.
Click here to see Barcelona's Interactive Map
For a better visual experience, please use Google Chrome.
'Word' as 'Image' in 1820's Imperial Russia

"Word as Image in 1820s Imperial Russia" is a digital exhibit linking the original literary source, Alexander Pushkin's Eugene Onegin, with a visual glossary of wardrobe references through showcasing the visual potential of the text. Such a digital guide can be used as the most efficient learning tool to benefit students and instructors in Russian studies, and has the possibility to serve as the foundation for future students to expand and enhance.
How does the canonical text “reveal” the sociocultural significance and symbolism of fashion in Imperial Russia, and how the comprehension of Pushkin's fashion-related 'word' choices is able to enrich the understanding of the XIX century text for our comtemporary readers?
The authenticity of the digital display demonstrates the correlation between the fashion world and this literary masterpiece, further analyzing both historical accuracy and literary reasoning. Utilizing interdisciplinary methods to employ concepts from disciplines of literary criticism, cultural studies and art history, this project provides a link between the digital and literary scopes of analysis by relating period fashion trends to social hierarchy and characterization in Eugene Onegin.
Digital Camino de Santiago

The Digital Camino de Santiago interactive project grew out of an East Carolina University Honors Seminar class NHRS 2011 taught during summer 2017 and the Study Abroad Program The Stories of Spain Through Culture and the Camino in Northern Spain created and led by Dr. Katherine Ford.
Digital Buenos Aires

During Summer 2019 Study Abroad Program in Buenos Aires (FORL 2760: Special Topics in Hispanic Studies and SPAN 2003, 2004 classes) students collaborated on the creation of a group digital project: Digital Buenos Aires, which consists of the mapping of digital artifacts (images, texts, audios, videos) compiled by the students during their cultural visits around Buenos Aires. Throughout this study abroad experience students captured digital artifacts (images, videos) during the visits, created relevant supporting artifacts (audio, text, in English) to provide context for the digital artifacts.
Graves Family Recipes
This digital library will showcase recipes used and cherish in the Graves family that have been collected and passed down through generations. The Graves family has thrived in the Piedmont, North Carolina and these recipes reflect a rich culture and traditions of both the family and the area. These recipes are intended for anyone looking to cook something new or someone trying to recreate a nostalgic dish like their own family’s cuisine. With these well written recipes and images that show the processes and results, anyone of any skill set can cook these family favorites.