Leprosy at Paolombara, Italy

This article describes the skeletons of several individuals from the 4th and 5th centuries. The first skeletons are determined to only have tuberculosis, however, the next three skeletons are from Palombara Sabina and is determined to most likely suffer from leprosy due to the various lesions that have instilled various changes to the rhino-maxillary region. It is most likely lepromatous leprosy that these three individuals suffer from.The area these skeletons came from would have been a very poor and rural area, in addition the health of most was likely to be poor as well.

Rubini,M., Zaio, P., & Roberts, C. (2013; 2014;). Tuberculosis and Leprosy in Italy. New Skeletal Evidence. HOMO-Journal of Comparative Human Biology. 65(1), 13. doi:10. 1016/j.jchb.2013.07.006

source: www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0018442X13001376