Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh

Raleigh Portrait.png


Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh


Ground Floor Parlor


This oil portrait is copied from one currently hanging in the Wilson Library of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. It is thought to have been painted in the 1590s.

There is no evidence that Spenser owned such a portrait. He did, however, paint a complicated picture of Sir Walter Raleigh in his poetry. Raleigh was a fellow planter in Munster and a powerful patron and subject of his work, notably The Faerie Queene. (See Spenser and Raleigh) It is conceivable that Spenser would have owned a likeness of Raleigh and wished to display it in a semi-public space, so as to remind himself and others of his powerful patron.


Dr. Thomas Herron, ECU


Dr. Thomas Herron, ECU, “Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh,” Collections @ ECU, accessed May 19, 2024, http://collections.ecu.edu/items/show/800.


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