March 14 1587


March 14 1587


March 14


Legal documents indicate that Kilcolman was assigned to Andrew Reade on this day. Hadfield suspects that Reade possibly "was involved in a speculative plan that was always designed to benefit Spenser." No records after this date indicate that Spenser remained in Dublin, leading Hadfield to believe that Spenser lived in Kilcolman before it was legally his property. Hadfield notes that "Spenser and Reade had drawn up an agreement whereby Spenser would occupy the lands and assume control of the estate if Reade had not done so by 22 May 1589, a clear indication that Reade had never had plans to live there" (200-201) Maley also notes that Kilcolman was assigned to Reade and that "there is no evidence to suggest that Reade ever occupied his lands." (45)



“March 14 1587,” Collections @ ECU, accessed September 21, 2024,


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