




Spenser was “involved in the illegal seizure of a Spanish carvel full of Canary wines, which had been captured by the Tomas Bonaventure, a ship owned by the London merchant Thomas Cordell.” The carvel had been blown off course and put into harbor on the Dingle Peninsula. It was sailed to Cork and looted of its cargo under Spenser's command, along with his fellow undertaker, William Herbert, and the Norris brothers. “When Cordell and his fellow merchants discovered what had happened, they immediately resorted to legal action. Piracy was common in south-west Ireland, perpetrated especially by crown officials”: “Despite his condemnation of cynical abusers of clerical positions in Mother Hubberds Tale, Spenser undoubtedly did what he felt he had to do.” Perhaps Spenser was prepared to resort to accepting dubious government handouts for personal gain, or, most likely, felt that he, unlike others in England, had earned such benefits in Ireland. There are more examples of possible sharp practice. (Hadfield, 191-92)



“1587,” Collections @ ECU, accessed September 21, 2024, http://collections.ecu.edu/items/show/704.


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