Part of covid meme assignment
- extracted text
Description of Meme: The top picture is
two red buttons with a deciding hand trying to
choose. Above one red button it says “Join
online class and actually listen” and above the
other it says “Join for attendance and go back
to sleep”. The bottom picture is a stressed man
wiping sweat from his forehead labeled
“College Students”.
Reflection: I chose to do this meme
because it represents my time during freshman
year of college and most other college students
during 2020-2021. For those of you who might
be reading this in the future Covid-19 was a
pandemic that paused the world. You wouldn’t
go into work, kids wouldn’t go to school,
couldn’t eat inside restaurants, had to wear a mask in public, gas prices were $1.49, etc. Even the
FDA had put in a six feet rule to try and make people distance. It sort of made people work on
themselves because you could really only see your immediate family. This also caused people to
develop mental health problems because they couldn’t see people they wanted to see or do the
things they wanted to do. If you unfortunately contracted Covid-19 you would have to quarantine
for 2 full weeks. Usually most of the symptoms are those of any regular sickness, stuffy nose,
cough, sore throat, fever, etc. A vaccine was a struggle to create but one did eventually come
around. We all would get a vaccine card to show we were vaccinated so we could maybe board
planes that required it or have special privileges because you were vaccinated. This created an
atmosphere like nothing we had seen before. This brings us to the introduction of online classes
which is where my life really started to change. In my senior year of High School is when it
started. Since I was a senior and graduating in a few months my school decided that us seniors
did not need to finish our classes. This meant summer started REALLY early, 3 months early to
be exact. Teenagers had so much time on their hands, I would simply go to work, and hangout
with friends. That was my entire summer and it was a definite blast. But the time I miss the most
was when it came to college. We would wake up for our early morning classes simply for
mandatory attendance and go STRAIGHT back to bed. Online classes set the foundation for
what I was going to do everyday of my freshman year. It altered my year and I miss it so much
because life was so easy back then. I would wake up for my 9am Computer Science class, sign
in, and go back to sleep till 4pm. That's really late isn't it? That’s because I would stay up till
7am and even go to the dining hall right when it opened for breakfast. The pandemic caused me
to be in this sort of loop. Constantly doing the same things everyday because I didn’t really have
that many responsibilities because of online class. My best friends and I would stay up ALL
night and watch movies, make tik-toks, play cards, and just about anything you could think of in
the dorm. Definitely a time in my life I will ALWAYS miss and want to go back to.