Part of "If it works, it works"- meme assignment
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Meme assignment 02/01/2023
A middle-aged man with glasses is standing in his house using a coffee filter as a covid
mask. He has it tucked in his glasses to hold it up over his mouth and nose and has “coughy
filter” written on it. In the corner of the picture there is text over the image, and it says, “if it
works, it works.” Many people had to use whatever they had at home as a covid mask if they
didn’t have a mask to use to go out.
I chose this meme because, throughout quarantine many people had to become
creative when they didn’t have an approved mask to go into stores or the doctor's office. Many
people used articles of clothing or various items they found around their homes. The image
does make the situation a joke to lighten the mood for many people during the pandemic.
Thankfully my family had friends that made masks, so we never had to DIY one at home but
when going out I saw many people using shirts, socks, and even parts of their undergarments as
a mask substitute. Covid-19 was a terrible virus that was transmitted through the air so many
people wouldn’t leave their homes without a mask or protection of some sort and even if they
were brave enough to then they couldn’t even go anywhere around their towns without it.
Along with facial protection people also tried to keep away from others or practiced
social distancing to try to slow the spread of the virus. My family took the warning very
seriously since my younger sister has asthma and my father and mother both have diabetes.
We had to be very cautious since most of my family were at higher risk of catching the virus and
then their symptoms could have been worse or even deadly once they caught it. Over time
people became desperate to go outside and see people so they used whatever they had to
make protection for themselves. Being stuck inside in quarantine for many months doesn’t do
anything good for peoples mental health and that includes me. I went through a lot of
depression being away from people and any kind of social interactions. Then once we could go
back into our more normal routines, I had serious anxiety from being stuck inside for so long I
wasn’t accustom to the public anymore.
Covid-19 was a terrible and, in some cases, a deadly virus that reminds us of a terrible
time in our more recent history. Many people lost loved ones to the virus and some after
getting the virus have been stuck with long term side-effects from it. We are still learning of
long term repercussions of the virus and will continue to learn more about it. Even the side
effects of the vaccine are still being researched. Hopefully we learned a few things from it and
know how to better prepare in case something similar happens in the future.