COVID-19 mask


COVID-19 mask
I am a freshman here at ECU. My major is intended nursing and I am very excited to start my journey on that path. I am so grateful to be back on campus because I love meeting new people and I love socializing. College and this pandemic have taught me to appreciate every opportunity that is given to me and to not take them for granted.

For this project, which was an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course, I decided to create a mask. It is very simple, but the message goes a long way during this rough time. I noticed that I had a lot of extra masks laying around, so I decided to write on mine with sharpie. In the lighting it's a little bit hard to see but I decided to write "Stay positive" with a smiley face and black undertones on my letters. Positivity is extremely needed during this unknowing time for everyone.

This mask demonstrates a positive outlook on the pandemic. In making this, I hope people see this and smile. There are so many things going on in our world right now, and it is scary that no one knows what will happen. We take all of the precautions we can to lower the cases of this virus, but after a year, it is still with us. In all of these negative events, I hope that my mask spreads positivity and happiness to someone, no matter how simple it is.

I do plan on wearing my mask in public, while hoping to make others happy and spread joy. The black undertones on the lettering represent the bad and dark times of this past year, on positive words. This shows how being positive and having a great mind set helps people get through dark times. I cannot wait to wear my mask out and spread happiness.

Greenville, North Carolina