We Can Do It!


We Can Do It!
I created this image as a way to contribute to the Getty Museums' challenge to imitate a piece of artwork while incorporating a mask into the picture. The process that came into this project was not very extensive. I borrowed a shirt and a scarf from my sisters to get into my costume. I got a mask from the store and wrote the phrase which is on the original artwork. I didn’t have a yellow background, so I used a plain white wall which I think helped make the colors pop a little more.

The work I imitated was “Rosie the Riveter” by J. Howard Miller. It was created in 1942 during World War II. I chose this artwork for the infamous message it holds and for the purpose it was created. It was created to help recruit female workers for defense industries during the war. I feel like it can correlate to the situation we are currently in right now. With the Coronavirus, we need all the help we can get whether that is healthcare workers or other frontline workers.

I think using a mask helps justify what we are going through right now. Paired with the phrase “We Can Do It!”, I think it helps encourage us that we can make it through this pandemic if we try our best to protect ourselves and others. As a nursing student, I think it helps show who I am because we have to try to see a bigger picture. We have to have hope that we can make it through this pandemic and that we as a population can come out of this stronger than we were before.

This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Havelock, North Carolina
Van Wagenen, Keelin