COVID-19 Mask
COVID-19 Mask
Hello my name is Shannon Folley! I am in the birth-kindergarten intended program. I have been working in childcare for the last seven years. My mom has always been very artistic, with painting, I on the other hand put all my artistic ability into choir and theater.
The process for my mask was simple, I took a paper plate, construction paper, googly eyes and a pop-sicle stick. I colored the plate brown and glued on the eyes, ears, nose and teeth. I was inspired by teaching my group of preschoolers about groundhog day, We got the idea from Pinterest and from letting the children explore their creativity.
This mask is not a protective one but it represents my love for working in early childhood education and for helping children find their creative sides. Sometimes I feel like a groundhog, I the fact that I would like to hide in my burrow for three months from the Coronavirus. The pose I chose is me sitting down in a chair because some times that is all you can do, is sit down and let the virus or whatever you are dealing with run its course.
I had my co-worker take my picture to represent that sometimes we all need help, especially in the time period we are in now. I think my photo is pleasing because you can see my love for making my classroom aesthetically bright and cheerful and my love for my children in my class. It is unique because although I would like to be like a groundhog and sleep and hide for three months, I have not, I have gotten up every day since March 2020 and I have fought hard to make sure the children I teach, learn everything they need to go to kindergarten.
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Folley, Shannon
Caswell County, North Carolina