Living Hell


Living Hell
Going to college during COVID-19
Greenville, North Carolina
This is a reflection of what it is like to be in college during a pandemic.
extracted text

What it is like to be in college during a global pandemic you might ask? It is like an enormous
asteroid filled with depression, high and low emotions, tiredness, loneliness, lack of motivation,
and the feeling of not knowing. Not knowing if you will contract covid from the person sitting
next to you in class, not knowing if within a moments notice everything is flipped to being
online, not knowing that you would be given more assignments than you can possibly handle,
not knowing you would still get charged thousands of dollars even though you can barely afford
to pay bills, and not knowing if tomorrow will be better or worse than yesterday. You might
think college should be easier now because classes are online and teachers are giving you less
work but that is just an outsider’s view looking in because from the insider’s view it is a living
hell. It is sad to say that I am constantly always tired and no matter what I do is never enough. If
the stress from school wasn’t enough, try adding on a full-time job to that and see where that gets
you. Most nights I find myself wondering why am I in school or should I drop out? That’s just
my self-conscious talking because I know I am not going to but it sure as hell would make the
stress, anxiety, and depression go away. You asked what it is like going to college during a
global pandemic, well I am here to tell you it SUCKS and that’s just straight facts.