Reflection on living in a prison during the COVID-19 pandemic


Reflection on living in a prison during the COVID-19 pandemic
Account of living in Craven County Correctional Institution during the COVID-19 pandemic
Vanceboro, North Carolina
extracted text
Being in prison while this coronavirus has been spreading through the country was an
interesting experience, being locked up in Craven County Correctional, and I thought the whole
time if the virus got in the prison all of us within would get it. The measures the prison took to
prevent it were meager to say the least, and I am sure that if anyone actually came in
contaminated it would have spread like wildfire. They did take some precautions however and
designated four blocks to people coming in from county jails in various places, but the funny part
is we all ate in the same chow hall in the beginning. After a couple weeks had gone by they
finally realized this was ridiculous and started bringing the food to all of the different dorms, so
none of us were actually leaving the block to eat. They still had everyone going to their
scheduled appointments though, so it really didn't prevent much exposure or potential exposure,
but from what I hear the prison is still corona free. When I first heard about corona I said to
myself I guess I'm gonna die here, but I made it out without incident. There were some people
who were just freaking out about this while I was in there, and they had a group of nurses
towards the end of my stay who would come and take our temperatures every morning, and if
anyone was running a fever they would take them off of our block, and that was insanely
annoying to have to come out of our cells every morning and stand there while every inmate on
our block got their temperature taken. The worst part about prison was going to the chow hall for
me, so I was glad for the time we were all quarantined and had our trays brought right to our
cells, so I didn't have to take the long crowded walk to get food. That's pretty much all I have to
say about this, and I'm glad to be out and still corona free.