E. Hickerson's Hist 3993 final exam
E. Hickerson's Hist 3993 final exam
E, Hickerson's final exam for History 3993 taught by Dr. Helen Dixon.
Hickerson, E.
extracted text
Approaches to Quarantine
E. Hickerson
Personal experience with
worldwide lock down
Photographic evidence
Object 1: Cruiser board
In lockdown, I’ve had too much free time and not enough
exercise. So I broke out my board. I rode last year and
cracked my radius in a dumb fall. The futility I have felt
during this whole event made it easier to let my fear go and
get back out there. I am still bad at riding, but I haven’t
fallen…. yet. I’m sure when everyone goes back into real life
there’s gonna be a lot of newfound hobbies.
It is made of a deck, trucks, and wheels. The deck is made of
layered wood and glue. The board is made by Dusters.
Object 2: Laptop
As we all know this pandemic closed down basically all
schools in the world including ours. Every student has been
forced to move to online schooling using technology like
this one. I rely on my laptop for everything, from school
work to binging Netflix, this has been an integral object in
my quarantined survival. It is pictured on the uncomfy chair
that I sit in for the majority of every day, because it’s the
only other place than my bed I can sit.
The object is made of mostly metal and plastic. Made by
Object 3: Magic the Gathering Cards
These two sets of cards are all you need to play
endless games of Magic while stuck in quarantine
with only one other person with nothing else to
do. Jess and I played game after game almost
every night to relax and stay mentally sharp. The
cards were interesting and told an intricate story
each and every time a game is played. It’s also
interesting to research better strategies and
strengths of the cards.
The cards are made of cardboard by Wizards of
the Coast.
Object 4: The Fault in Our Stars
This book is important to me because my partner
and I both have it at our respective homes. We
video chat and he reads it to me and I follow along
in my own book. This book will from now on remind
me that there was a pandemic going on that forced
us to only communicate using technology.
The book is by John Green, manufactured by
Dutton Books. The book is made of paper,
cardboard, and plastic.
ECU collections
What should they collect?
Object(?) 5: Evidence of people just existing
ECU should collect pictures and images of people existing
and changing their ways during quarantine. This video is an
example of some people on New York rooftops just vibing
through life, and trying to find a way get out of their
homes. Some other images and videos in this collection
would be the celebrities that are making videos telling
everyone to stay home, and events that are typically inperson that have been moved to online. I think it is
important that this collection would show just how
drastically people’s lives have changed during this time.
Object 6: Picket Signs of Protestors
The pro-open and keep safe movements across the country
are obvious impactful signs of people trying to protect their
futures. The collection would include signs that advocate
for opening the states, and signs that advocate for keeping
the lock down in place. It would also be important that the
collection include the absurd and racist ones. People have
such strong feelings and want to be able to express them,
so they do it through protesting. This whole pandemic
shows people trying to express their rights, but not being
able to do so during this lockdown.
Object 7: Memes
The world recently has learned how to cope with
trauma by using humor and has created a whole
seemingly secret language to communicate through
it. The memes are an important part of how the
younger generations get through life. Here is an
example of one that most everyone can relate to.
Other memes in this collection could include the
good sides (relief school is cancelled) and the bad
sides (no toilet paper memes).
Collection care plans
1. Cruiser Board
The board would be cleaned off using a soft brush, and potentially a diluted detergent. The
piece should be stored in a dark temperature and humidity controlled place. When
displayed, it should be under a glass case with acid-free wood paneling. It should be under
filtered lights, and be out of direct sunlight. This also has wheels, so I would make sure they
are secured so it can’t roll around.
I think the importance of this object will be lost in time, and it will just become another
2: Laptop
I think the best option would be to gut the inside of all corrodible and acidic objects. Pack
the frame up with acid-free filler so the top does not bow in. Then the object should be
cleaned and dusted. Follow the same protocol as the cruiser for storage and display.
The laptop will probably not be significant obviously, but if displayed correctly should
remind anyone that participated in this pandemic of what they had to go through.
3: Magic: The Gathering Cards
The magic cards should be wiped down, and then presented on acid-free boards. The cards
should be displayed so they do not bend over time. It is also very important for these to be
under consistent humidity and temperature. Handle these items with washed clean hands
and polyethylene gloves when appropriate. The same lighting applies as discussed
These cards are kind-of niche, so it may be hard for patrons to relate to. The care of these
cards should be pretty straight forward.
4: The Fault in Our Stars
It is important the structure of this book is kept intact, with a stand made of acid-free
board or plastic. It is important to change the page that is being displayed to reduce
preferential fading. Temperatures should be lower, and humidity should be relatively low.
Avoid display by windows and vents.
The purpose of the collection book may be misinterpreted, because it’s not what’s in the
book that matters. It’s what the book represents, without proper documentation that may
be lost along the way.
5: Pictures and videos of people existing
These are uncommon to collect, and pose a new problem. If these are collected and
displayed digitally, the question of how they will be stored comes into play. If they are
stored on a hard drive, it will need to be kept in a cool dry environment. The format of the
images and videos needs to be compatible across devices, and usable in the future. If
pictures are printed, they will need to be printed on hardy material like cardstock or put on
another acid free paper.
I think the hardest part of this would be keeping everything together and able to be used in
the future.
6: Picket Signs
The signs must be supported if they are standing freely. They should be in a controlled
environment, and should be cleaned appropriately. Follow the same directions for “The
Fault In Our Stars”.
7: Memes
Follow the directions for “Pictures and videos of people existing”.
Memes are ever changing, and without inside knowledge of what some memes mean, the
whole art of understanding could be lost.