Meme Assignment
- Title
- Meme Assignment
- Description
- Meme Assignment
- Format
- Personal Reflection/Comentario Personal
- Date
- 2023-02-01
- Coverage
- East Carolina University
- extracted text
To break down this meme, in the first picture you can see a creature spitting out a
scared person. In the mouth it says 2019, which in context is stating that 2019 was a
bad year. The second picture supports the first picture stating that 2019 was a bad year.
In the third picture the purple octopus is trying to grab onto the human as the human is
trying to escape. The purple octopus has the number 2020, so in context to the other
pictures the person in the last picture is trying to escape the year 2020. The year 2020
was clearly worse and more traumatic than the previous year 2019, which was the year
that coronavirus became a pandemic.
I chose this meme because it spoke out to me, the pandemic was a hard time for
myself and I also know it was for others as well. It always seems that no year can be
worse than the other. The year 2020 changed that though. We never would have
thought that we could take any of our normal day to day activities for granted. Until the
year 2020, the pandemic arrived. During the pandemic it was very hard to adjust to
things that were once not normal to us. For me, it was adjusting from in person classes
at school, to online meetings over computers. All my schoolwork was being done online
and it was hard to learn anything. One of the good things was that I could wake up late
and sleep in. Although there were good sides to the pandemic, a lot of them were down
sides. The down sides were the social distancing and wearing masks everywhere you
went. It was something completely out of our usual norms. We never really noticed how
close we were to people until social distance was put into place. Six-feet was how far
apart we had to stay away from everyone. Everyone had to stay home for the longest
time. Whenever someone was diagnosed with covid, they had to self quarantine for two
weeks. Mentally this virus took a huge toll on everyone around, not just myself. It was
mentally draining with not being able to go out to the store or go out and socialize with
even our closest families. It was a struggle to keep up with friends and families, to keep
a social life in general was a struggle. Since I was not able to go to my gym, to keep
myself fit I would run down my road. I also learned how to skateboard during that time. It
was a good time to try new things and do things we would never usually do. Like for me,
it was skateboarding and running on a road, something I would never do. These are just
ways that I learned how to cope with the pandemic. Coping with the pandemic was a
way to find and learn how to do things you never once knew how to do. Boring things
became normal things. We had to learn how to live without going out and having a
social life with everyone else besides the people in our homes. It was a struggle to wake
up everyday and know that we were stuck in our homes, looking forward to nothing.
One way or another, we have moved on from the pandemic but not completely. When
people are sick or want to prevent others from getting sick, we still wear masks. And
now more than ever we social distance.
- Media
Meme Assignment .pdf
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