Meme Assignment


Meme Assignment
A meme that reflects your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Personal Reflection/Comentario Personal
Greenville, North Carolina
extracted text
Caitlin Foreman
Meme Assignment

Description: My meme is related to the Covid-19 pandemic. In the meme, there are two
different pictures. On the left side, there is a picture of a woman who looks young and
cleaned-up. She is holding her hand in a thumbs up position and has a smile on her face. At
the top of the picture there is a caption that reads, “Me at the beginning of 2020.” On the
right side, there is another picture of an older woman that is not as cleaned up and looks
like she is wearing a robe and pajamas. She has a tired / annoyed look on her face and is
just staring into space. At the top of the picture there is a caption that reads, “Me at the end
of the Quarantine.”
Why did I choose this meme? I chose this meme because I really enjoyed it and related to
it. Living through the pandemic was a very hard time for me. This is a good representation
of how I felt during and after quarantine. I struggled a lot with depression and anxiety and I
feel as though it aged me and made me very tired. I see physical changes with myself as well
from the beginning to end of covid. Before covid, I used to wake up early and do my hair
and always wear nice and put together outfits. After covid, I didn't care about my
appearance because for so long I just wore pajamas all day because I didn't leave my house.
Now I wear comfy clothes everyday and don't dress up a lot like I used to. I don't wear
makeup or do my hair anymore either.
What does this mean to you? This meme means alot to me, because it was me. It was my
senior year of highschool in 2020. I missed prom and graduation. Both meant alot to me
and not getting to experience them was very disappointing to me. I looked forward to
getting to walk at graduation since I was in preschool. I also did not get to have my senior

night at my highschool for soccer. I have been playing soccer since I was 3 and I played
varsity soccer all 4 years of highschool. Missing that was also very disappointing. The
covid-19 pandemic took a lot away from me, and also destroyed my mental health. But,
everything happens for a reason and I got to spend a lot of time working and bettering
myself throughout lockdown and got to spend a lot of time with my family before I left for
college. I am very thankful for the time I got to spend with my family, because that is very
special to me.
How does it typify or explain your experience with the pandemic? This meme really
explains my experience with the pandemic. I had to transition from going to class everyday,
to learning online and meeting with my teachers online on zoom. I used to have a job at a
nursing home, spending time with the people and helping them with lunch and playing
games, but I was let off because of the pandemic and being a high risk carrier. Neither of my
parents are essential workers, so they worked from home the entire pandemic. We had to
social distance and not leave our house during the lockdown phase. My family and I were
very cautious and didn't leave our house unless it was to get food, gas, or to take a nature
walk to get outside in an open space. I had to social distance from my friends and that was
the hardest. Once a week we would meet up outside in a parking lot and hangout and have
a picnic, but we would wear masks and all be more than 6 feet apart so no one could get
sick or pass covid-19. Luckily, during the first of the pandemic and lockdown, my family was
able to stay healthy and we did not get covid-19. Since we were quarantined and didn't
leave the house, no one got sick with anything such as the flu, common cold, ear infection,
or strep. These were some of the things I have gotten every single year since I was a young
child. My family and I all struggled with our mental health. We are all very social and it was
hard to be alone in the house all day. We made the most of it though and would have
themed dinner nights and play family board games weekly. Some ways we kept ourselves
occupied were house projects, gardening, scrapbooking, and organizing our at home office.
We were very busy everyday and tried to keep a good schedule.

This item was submitted on January 31, 2023 by [anonymous user] using the form “Contribute a Digital Item/Done un Artículo/Producto Digital” on the site “Documenting COVID-19 in Eastern North Carolina”:

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