Fruit Fulfillment
- Title
- Fruit Fulfillment
- Description
My name is Jaylon Hart, my major is biology and a few interests of mine are; shoes, sports and the outdoors. The only major background of art I have if any is taking a couple of semesters of different types of arts throughout school growing up. However, I do have a big interest in landscape paintings or paintings that depict a particular place and time.
The process of making my mask was simple yet complex, I had to find some artificial fruit that wasn't too small or too big. Then I chose a mask that I knew could hold up the fruit that wouldn't be too flimsy. From here, I began to arrange the fruit on the mask in different ways until I had almost the whole mask covered with different variations of fruit. Next I began to glue the different types of fruit to the mask making sure everything was a good fit before continuing to glue. After glueing all the fruit to the mask, this was the result I got. What inspired the mask, is the fruit somewhat foreshadowing how I like to maintain a good diet to keep my body as well as my mind healthy, especially after Covid first began.
One thing I like about the mask is that it is in fact a protective mask, it just has a little decoration to it. However, there's a chance I may wear it in public but I'm not for certain. This is a self-portrait because it's a piece of art that is centered around me (my face) and was created by myself. This mask and pose convey how I've dealt with the Coronavirus situation with the fruit as I talked a little about above, as well as being outdoors. The fruit allowed me to keep a healthy diet throughout the many different quarantines and phases we've had to go through, especially at first when almost everything was closed. Additionally, me posing outdoors hints towards how I spent most of my time during these situations, I'm sure almost all of us got tired of sitting inside at some point. But the fruit and outdoors helped keep me healthy and occupied in many different ways.
I took the type of photo I did because it shows the fruit on the mask as well as nature in the background. The two go hand-in-hand with my inspiration of this project. The different sizes, shapes and colors of the fruits make my photo aesthetically pleasing as well as the different shades of green leaves in the background. It's unique in a way that the fruit and the leaves in the background could have many different meanings to people. The two could foreshadow so much more than just a healthy diet and enjoying the outdoors. However, those two reasons show how the mask represents how I have dealt with the time period we're living and how I am dealing with the time period we're living in.
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. - Creator
- Hart, Jaylon
- Format
- Image/Imagen
- Date
- 2022-03-12
- Coverage
- Greensboro, North Carolina
- Media
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