COVID-19 Effects


COVID-19 Effects
Personal reflection on how COVID-19 affected their first year of college.
Greenville, North Carolina
Bolden, Tyanna
extracted text
As being an East Carolina University student last year and it being my first official year
on campus went really good until COVID-19 shut down the university. Before COVID-19 I was
in a lot of organizations, making friends, living on campus and many other wonderful things. I
remember the day that we got the email that we had an extra week of spring break and I was
shocked and annoyed, because I had to go back campus get my items and go home for an extra
week, at least that's what I thought. During that extra week of spring break we also got another
email saying that they are closing the dorms down. I was very annoyed at that point because I
had just left campus a couple of weeks ago with only a few items for an extra week of spring
break, but now I have to empty out my whole dorm. Getting that email I was very annoyed
because going into spring break in PCB I only thought I was going to be gone for a week and
then see my spring semester roommate again, but I was wrong. This whole process of going back
to my dorm and packing up my belongs was sad because I only had less than 3 months in the
dorm with my spring semester roommate and we was having so much fun and getting along so
well to just have my life just ripped away from me that quickly just because of COVID-19, but I
sucked it up. I went back to campus packed up my belongings with my brother and best friend
and did the remainder of the semester online. The only thing that was keeping me going was still
having some of my organization events, also during the lockdown I read my Bible more, but I
did get lonely a lot and was getting annoyed that I couldn’t be around friends, but optimistic.