A Selfie with A Mask
A Selfie with A Mask
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. I put my mask on and took a selfie, and then removed my mask to take another selfie. After my images were taken, I then put them in Adobe Photoshop. In Adobe, I used my selfie without the mask and cut out a layer of the upper half of my face. I flipped it upside down and (not to get too technical in my description) burned it into the mask on my selfie wearing my mask image. I found two other images online to go with my theme and cropped them out to incorporate into my picture. The purpose for my eyes being on the mask is to convey the message as "Watch what you say (Hence the eyes over the mouth), because what you say can be hurtful and not be taken back". So, one person may see the mask and the cell by my head thinking it's just a defeat the virus with mask. Someone else may notice the eyes on the mask and the other image showing a guy delivering a punch from the mouth with harsh words. After looking at it for a while, you could draw several conclusions. For Example, I let my daughter look at it and asked what she got from the picture (She's 6) and she said "That man is screaming at the other guy because he must have gave him Coronavirus". I hadn't even thought of it that way but I liked how she used her imagination to interpret what she "saw".
Wilson, North Carolina