Covid Times


Covid Times
My personal reflection on the past year dealing with the coronavirus. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course."
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Gallos, Ariana
1. Hello, my name is Ariana and I am a freshman at ECU this year. I am a biology major with the intention of attending graduate school to become a Physician's Assistant. Since we got sent home in the fall due to the pandemic, I have been off campus. In my free time I love to go to the dog park with my two dogs, spend time with my friends, and go to the beach. I moved to Kernersville North Carolina from New Hampshire when I was 13 and have lived here since.

2. The process of creating my mask was fairly simple as I got inspiration from the beautiful nature and outdoors around me. Something that has drastically improved my mood has been the arrival of Spring, warm weather, and longer hours of sunlight so I decided to base this project off of that. I used crayons, pens, highlighters, and colored pencils to create my mask.

3. I decided to use a disposable mask that can be worn protectively in public. I chose this because I will be reminded of positive thoughts and feelings every time I catch a glimpse of my face covering. The pose and mask depict how I have been coping with these unprecedented times by the crinkle in my eyes showing the happiness I am experiencing, the pretty flowers I am holding in my hands, and the beautiful green scenery behind me. This accurately demonstrates how I have been coping by the new found hope I have that this world will soon return to normalcy. This represents my identity because flowers have always been a symbol of hope, peace, and happiness to me. I even have a bushel of flowers tattooed with the word hope above it on myself. This is why I decided to draw flowers on my mask while holding a bouquet of them in my hands looking happily at the camera.

4. I felt very creative doing this because I was able to come up with something artistic that had significant meaning to me and draw flowers on a mask that I can now look at in public and feel joy. I took this photo because I have been feeling extremely hopeful that this world is finally returning back to normal and we can start the healing process to strengthen our nation after this pandemic. I also find this photograph aesthetically pleasing with the beautiful green background of the trees, the pretty drawing on the mask, and the vibrant purple flowers in my hands. I loved doing this project it made me smile thinking about life when corona virus is over!
Art mask.pdf