A Walk On The Hill


A Walk On The Hill
1. Hello my name is Bly. My major is public health, and I’m interested in joining the dental program and school here at ECU. I’m 18 years old and am a freshman here at ECU. I was born and raised in Winston Salem NC and enjoy disc golf, music, going out with friends, dogs, and video games.

2. My process behind my picture was quite simple. It’s currently spring time here on the ECU campus and flowers are blooming. I thought the spot beside on of the living building was a nice spot to take my mask photo. Several of flowers bushes and trees on campus are in bloom and make the spots on campus pop.

3. My mask is just a regular protective face mask. My photo is supposed to show the beauty of spring on campus. My pose is just a selfie with me smiling behind the mask. It’s obviously harder to tell emotions of people with a mask, so throughout the coronavirus pandemic I have just been putting on a smile and being as socially social distant as I can. I want people to know that I’m just smiling hoping people get a good vibe.

4. I took the photo I did in the spot I did because I really enjoyed the bright colorful bushes that were around the building. Another spot I was thinking about taking a picture is in front of the Scott building where the trees were blooming with bright pink petals. I believe my photo is aesthetically pleasing because of the color and the expression that’s hidden under my face mask. I try to make the most out of my life during this pandemic. I do like to think that this picture shows my attitude and earths beauty during this time on earth. The face mask is a protective piece that people have to wear during this time to help lower the spread of Covid-19. So it’s became harder during this time to understand people based on there facial expressions and feelings. I enjoyed taking this photo and writing this essay. I just want people to be happy and continue to try making the best out of this pandemic.

This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Greenville, North Carolina
Triplett, Bly