COVID-19 Meme Reflection I've chosen a meme that represents how I've dealt with COVID-19. This was created as an assignment for Dr. Andrea Kitta's Folklore course.
Covid-19 experience Meme reflection I talk about a meme the reminds my of my pandemic experience. This was created as an assignment for Dr. Andrea Kitta's Folklore course.
Meme Assignment My submission is about a meme that describes my personal experiences with COVID-19.
Covid-19 Meme Reflection A reflection on a meme that accurately represents how life after covid was after we transitioned to online delivery. This was created as an assignment for Dr. Andrea Kitta's Folkore course.
Meme project personal reflection on covid-19 Personal reflection on my experience during covid-19 pandemic.
Horse Plinko This is a personal reflection on how this meme, Horse Plinko, has affected my experience during the pandemic in early 2022. This was created as an assignment for Dr. Andrea Kitta's Folklore course.
COVID-19 Action Report, The First 18 Months Vidant Health COVID-19 Action Report, The First 18 Months
It was with great doubt that any one document can rightfully reflect Vidant Health’s response to COVID-19 and the impact to our patients, team members, organization and community. This document was written with the understanding that it would fall short of capturing the true level of personal mental stress, successes and failures of Vidant Health’s response to COVID-19. In defining Vidant Health’s pronouns this document used “We” “Us” and “Our” to describe the team members and organization in this document. The first impression when looking at the past 18 months of COVID-19 was the strength of our systemness. Early on in the pandemic and continuing through the pandemic there was great uncertainty and a need to learn the nature and science of this outbreak to best create policies to contain the outbreak. We found strength in our systemness to face many of these unknowns and provide needed healthcare to our community during these challenging times.
A1 Narrative About COVID-19 This A1 Narrative is explaing about how COVID-19 has affected nurses and health care workers.
COVID-19 The great debate of pursuing healthcare following the deadliest disease in American History. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' ENGL 2201 Foundations of College Writing in Spring 2022
My COVID-19 Journey This paper is about my life during an internationally pandemic, and how exactly it shook my world.
the beauty behind a mask I made a masquerade ball mask for my art appreciation discussion 1. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's art appreciation course.
Imitate Artwork Challenge This is the Getty Museum Challenge to imitate an artwork that I created for my Art Appreciation class in Fall 2021. It's a document where I recreated the famous "Creation of Adam" piece. I wanted to share this piece to everyone to show how beautiful it is.
Love is in the Bin Recreation For Ms. Luddeke's Art Appreciation course at ECU, we recreated a famous work of art. The piece I chose is by an anonymous artist, Banksy titled "Love is in the Bin". Originally, the graffiti street art was titled "Girl with Balloon" and in some installations, it featured the phrase "There is always hope".
Banksy's anti-establishment theory on art lead him to vow if it ever sold at auction it would be destroyed. He then secretly installed a shredder into the Girl with Balloon's frame. When the painting sold and the gavel struck, onlookers watched in horror as the painting went through the built in shredder. Banksy authenticated the stunt and renamed it "Love is in the Bin". Sothebys announced it as the first performance art piece ever created at auction.
Girl with Balloon originally sold for $1.4 million. The shredded and newly titled Love is in the Bin ironically sold for $25.4 million.
A Beautiful Transformation Imitation of statues (Getty's Museum)
homestyle melancholy I had been thinking about this project for weeks and had wanted to come up with something meaningful yet simple. I used a KN95 mask, my iPhone, and my front yard at home in Wendell, NC. The example image of the man with the German medical mask is what inspired my portrait. But more importantly, Covid-19 inspired this portrait. When I first started reading about this assignment, I didn’t realize the mask assignment was directly related to COVID. I thought it could’ve meant a masquerade mask or really any kind of mask. The mask I chose is known to be one of the best protective masks that there is and it is definitely a mask that I would wear in public. This mask represents my identity in many ways. Because this is one of the most protective masks that there is, I think that it is symbolic and ironic because my life has been unprotected and risky. Masks are supposed to provide security and safety and I feel that this is a reflection of what life wasn’t always for me. I have had a privileged but very difficult life that contradicts itself, I know. I grew up out of the country and lived as a minority and dealt with many things that severed my security and safety as a person. This makes up so much of who I am. I have lived so long feeling not secure and not safe; both emotionally and physically. This also conveys Covid-19 in so many ways. I picked the mask to represent myself: simple yet gives the illusion of security. And the background represents Covid-19 when it started. Coronavirus has had such an impact on all of us in more ways than one, but it all started when we were asked to quarantine at home. Home is where most of us thought that this virus would only last a month or two but in reality, has lasted close to two years. We thought we would be protected and that the issue would be quickly resolved. I think this also symbolizes how I have dealt with Covid because it has grown my love for my family and desire to spend time with them at home. I know it became annoying to be at home so much and not have the freedom to leave, but it gave me a greater love for home because this is one of the few things that have given me security over the course of my life.
I took a black and white photo because I think it makes it feel timeless. I feel that covid has given us all a sense of timelessness because of how it has warped time in our lives. I think it is aesthetically pleasing because it is black and white but also because the background is blurred in comparison to me being focused in the center of the image. I think this is unique because instead of choosing to think extravagantly, I thought simply. I thought outside of the box by doing things simpler than I thought most people would. It represents how I have chosen to grow closer to home although I’ve moved further away to school. I think the mask itself represents the security I’ve grown to feel even though the world is so unsecure with everything going on. This image is ultimately artistic because it is a paradox.
Getty Image I did this representing an artist's image for a project.
Dear Nephew This submission is written in the form of a letter to my young nephew explaining what it was like to experience Covid-19 as an American citizen. He will be given this letter, as well as a number of others, when he is 18 years old.
Pirate Wellness Program overview, ECU College of Health and Human Performance We created a virtual telehealth program for individuals with disabilities during COVID so our recreational therapy students had clinical internship experiences required for national certification and state licensure. The Pirate Wellness Program provided our students a platform to learn skills needed to be a practitioner and also provided individuals with disabilities much needed services during these quarantine periods. With the success, we’ve since transitioned the program to be a model for our new and improved senior practicum. We made lemonade out of lemons.
COVID-19 This is a paper about my experiences with the challenges faced during COVID-19. It was written as an assignment for Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs’ fall 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
A comparison of music education and music therapy majors' perception and use of self-care and coping strategies: Considerations pre-COVID-19 pandemic to present time The purpose of this study was to investigate how music education and music therapy majors perceive and use self-care and coping strategies and how those practices may have changed from before the COVID-19 pandemic to the present time.
Data mining was used to collect email addresses of 506 music education and 88 music therapy department chairs at NASM accredited colleges and universities throughout the United States.
Department chairs of 29 music therapy programs and 68 music education programs agreed to distribute the Qualtrics survey link to undergraduate music education and music therapy students in their department via email.
Participants (N=596) in the study were n=381 (67%) music education undergraduates, n=187 (33%) music therapy undergraduates (including music therapy equivalency) and n=28 unidentified undergraduates.
Covid-19 It is my story about dealing with covid-19 as a graduating high school student moving to college. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing in Fall 2021.
College during a pandemic My submission is about how this whole Covid pandemic has affected my college experience. This was created as an assignment for Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs’ fall 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 A documentation of my personal life and findings of the coronavirus. Created as an assignment for Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs’ fall 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
Covid-19 Experiences This account of COVID-19 experiences was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' fall 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
Covid-19 This is a story of how Covid-19 affected me and my final season of soccer for school. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing in Fall 2021.