MCAS Cherry Point Station Library
This image shows Marine Corps Cherry Point Station Library. It features a sign requiring facial coverings for entrance, as ordered by the Commanding Officer of MCAS Cherry Point.
Portrait of a man (Self Portrait?). Imitation art challenge
I am in a take on the artwork of Jan Van Eyck titled “Portrait of a man (self portrait?)" This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. It was part of the Getty Museum Challenge, which was created as a way to keep people engaged during the pandemic.
A Selfie with A Mask
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. I put my mask on and took a selfie, and then removed my mask to take another selfie. After my images were taken, I then put them in Adobe Photoshop. In Adobe, I used my selfie without the mask and cut out a layer of the upper half of my face. I flipped it upside down and (not to get too technical in my description) burned it into the mask on my selfie wearing my mask image. I found two other images online to go with my theme and cropped them out to incorporate into my picture. The purpose for my eyes being on the mask is to convey the message as "Watch what you say (Hence the eyes over the mouth), because what you say can be hurtful and not be taken back". So, one person may see the mask and the cell by my head thinking it's just a defeat the virus with mask. Someone else may notice the eyes on the mask and the other image showing a guy delivering a punch from the mouth with harsh words. After looking at it for a while, you could draw several conclusions. For Example, I let my daughter look at it and asked what she got from the picture (She's 6) and she said "That man is screaming at the other guy because he must have gave him Coronavirus". I hadn't even thought of it that way but I liked how she used her imagination to interpret what she "saw".
Covid Lonely
This describes my life currently during the pandemic. Feeling a sense of being alone and at peace with myself. Surround myself in a calm and welcoming place, away from the dark world outside. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. It was part of the Getty Museum Challenge, which was created as a way to keep people engaged during the pandemic.
COVID-19 reflection
How Covid-19 affected me and how I got through it. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
The Unknown
This paper reflects how COVID-19 impacted my life and is still impacting my life. There is so much still unknown about this virus.
Covid Times
My personal reflection on the past year dealing with the coronavirus. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course."
Simple Beauty (The Getty Museum Challenge)
Remaking an art piece as part of the Getty Art Challenge. The Getty Museum of Art created the challenge as a way to keep people engaged during the pandemic. This was created as an assignment for a Special Education course.
A Walk On The Hill
1. Hello my name is Bly. My major is public health, and I’m interested in joining the dental program and school here at ECU. I’m 18 years old and am a freshman here at ECU. I was born and raised in Winston Salem NC and enjoy disc golf, music, going out with friends, dogs, and video games.
2. My process behind my picture was quite simple. It’s currently spring time here on the ECU campus and flowers are blooming. I thought the spot beside on of the living building was a nice spot to take my mask photo. Several of flowers bushes and trees on campus are in bloom and make the spots on campus pop.
3. My mask is just a regular protective face mask. My photo is supposed to show the beauty of spring on campus. My pose is just a selfie with me smiling behind the mask. It’s obviously harder to tell emotions of people with a mask, so throughout the coronavirus pandemic I have just been putting on a smile and being as socially social distant as I can. I want people to know that I’m just smiling hoping people get a good vibe.
4. I took the photo I did in the spot I did because I really enjoyed the bright colorful bushes that were around the building. Another spot I was thinking about taking a picture is in front of the Scott building where the trees were blooming with bright pink petals. I believe my photo is aesthetically pleasing because of the color and the expression that’s hidden under my face mask. I try to make the most out of my life during this pandemic. I do like to think that this picture shows my attitude and earths beauty during this time on earth. The face mask is a protective piece that people have to wear during this time to help lower the spread of Covid-19. So it’s became harder during this time to understand people based on there facial expressions and feelings. I enjoyed taking this photo and writing this essay. I just want people to be happy and continue to try making the best out of this pandemic.
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Reimagining the "Woman in White" by Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Remaking an art piece as part of the Getty Art Challenge. The Getty Museum of Art created the challenge as a way to keep people engaged during the pandemic. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
selfie in a mask
This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Recreated photo of the portrait by Emma Uber called "Pyro" as part of the Getty Museum of Art created the challenge as a way to keep people engaged during the pandemic. This was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's spring 2021 ART 1910: Art Appreciation course.
Covid-19 hits different
I wrote my experience of how Covid-19 affected me and my family directly and how we got through it.
How COVID-19 Affected Me
From losing loved ones, to opening my own restaurant, this has truly been a year full of looking back and learning. This was written as an assignment for Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs’ spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
Discussion 1: The imitate an Artwork Getty Museum lockdown Challenge
Hi, so my name is Niyah Bacon, and yes like the food. I am technically a freshman but in the system, I am currently a sophomore at the university. I am currently pursuing Accounting as my major and I plan on being a CPA in the future. I don’t necessarily have a background in art besides the required classes that everyone takes throughout your K-12 school experience. I do like to think a hobby and passion of mine could be considered as art, I love doing hair, and I also plan on becoming a cosmetologist during college or after. I feel like hair can be a way of art and a stylist has to be creative in their own way to create a certain style or to work with multiple types of hair. My first thing was what is something I can find that I could possibly create. I wanted to think outside the box but also work with what I have in the house. So I picked the photo I wanted to use and then I set up the background first. I took two of my dining room chairs and stacked them up. I then had to ask my mother for help getting my ‘model’ to stay still for the pose. I also used my dog’s toy as the crown and his vest to match the outfit in the painting. I don’t know who the painting is by due to where the painting is from but my mom purchased it from T.J Maxx. I first was definitely stumped for a few days but then I looked at the picture that’s been in the dining room and had a lightbulb moment. It wasn’t the easiest to recreate but it made sense to do it because I love dressing my dog up so I did as such. This project showed how creative true artists are and how the thinking process can be and it’s very creative to think of a piece and make it. This project while we are still in a pandemic shows how you can make anything out of anything. It definitely is a good way to keep those creative juices flowing and throw something new into your day as this pandemic might have some feeling life is a blur and repetitive. This Getty Museum Challenge was created as an assignment for Susan Ludeke's ART 1910: Art Appreciation course. The Getty Museum of Art created the challenge to keep people connected during the pandemic.
My COVID-19 Experience
Life during COVID-19. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 reflection
This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' Spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
Covid-19 Experience
This is a paper about how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected my life and how it affected my family on a personal level. This is an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing Class in Spring Semester of 2021.
College During a Pandemic
Experiencing college during a worldwide pandemic, from the perspective of an international student. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 Reflection
My experience with COVID- 19. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 experiences
My life since march of 2020. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 Narrative
Narrative of my COVID-19 experiences graduating high school and starting my freshman year of college at ECU. This reflection was written for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.
COVID-19 Experiences
These are some of my experiences as a high school senior and a freshman in college during the pandemic and the impact it had on my life. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing.
COVID-19 Experiences
This is a generalized reflection of the effects of COVID-19 on myself and my immediate family. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' Spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing.
Covid-19 Experiences
This was a personal account of my experiences with COVID-19. This was written as an assignment for Dr. Cheryl Dudasik-Wiggs' spring 2021 ENGL 1100 Foundations of College Writing course.