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Documenting COVID-19 in Eastern North Carolina

Collected Item: “El Sacrificio”

Your name/Nombre y apellido(s)?

Stacy Coggins

What kind of item would you like to submit?/¿Qué tipo de artículo quiere donar?


Title of your submission?/¿Título de su entrega?

El Sacrificio

Date created?/¿En qué fecha se creado?


Your submission will be published online. Would you like for it to be anonymous?/¿Le gustaría que se publicara su historia de manera anónima en líneo/online?


Place of residence?/Lugar de residencia?

High Point

Please write a short description of your submission./Escriba, por favor, una descripción breve de su historia (entrega).

"El Sacrificio" Oil pastel and magazine on canvas

The title of my political/social collage is El Sacrificio meaning The Sacrifice in Spanish. The purpose is to bring attention to the plight of immigrants and the sacrifices they make immigrating from another country. My hope is to inspire people to think as global citizens and an understanding of what life is like outside the U.S. There are many misconceptions about immigrants, one of them being immigrants come here for an easy life or to live off the backs of American citizens. The truth is many people come here because they are choosing the survival of their family. Conditions around the world can be extremely difficult beyond the imagination of most Americans. They sacrifice leaving their culture, the land they love, and most importantly their families, in order to make an honest living. I can't say how to fix immigration problems, that is an huge and complicated issue. I wish however, that I can inspire people to see beyond our borders, and to see oneself as a global citizen as well. It is extremely important we show compassion, especially as we still face the fallout of Covid 19. This is really the first time I have been able to express myself about it because I have held so much anger inside. My husband is from a small Zapotec town in southern Mexico, where we spent the summer last year. We were very careful to quarantine before going, the virus had not reached many remote towns. A week after we left, people came in and kidnapped a girl, which lead to police and rescue teams coming in and bringing Covid with them. The girl was found, but the small Native American town with little medical care was hit hard. I lost three people in my family to Covid in one week, on of whom was my mother-in-law. They had no where to go, no one to help them. 911 does not exist there. Every time I hear the argument over vaccines I feel so angry. I know that it is every American's choice, but some people take for granted that we have a choice when so many don't. While our government was handing out checks, other governments were handing out body bags. My question to you is if you were born outside the U.S. how far would you go for your family?

In order to contribute, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions. I am submitting a digital file related to my COVID-19 related experiences on my own behalf. I grant East Carolina University Academic Library Services permission to include my submission in a publicly available online collection. I understand that my submission shall be made available to the public for original research, subject to no limitations or qualifications. I retain the copyright to my works./Para poder contribuir debe leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones. Aquí en mi propio nombre presento un archivo digital relacionado con mis experiencias durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Con éste les doy permiso a los Servicios Académicos de la Biblioteca (Academic Library Services) de East Carolina University para que incluyan mi entrega en una colección online abierta al público. Entiendo que mi presentación estará disponible al público para investigación original y no estará sujeta a restriccionés ni reservas. Mantengo, asimismo, propiedad intelectual de mis obras.

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