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Documenting COVID-19 in Eastern North Carolina

Collected Item: “"Harlequin" By Pablo Picasso (Getty Museum Imitation Challenge)”

Your name/Nombre y apellido(s)?

Irish Youmans

What kind of item would you like to submit?/¿Qué tipo de artículo quiere donar?


Title of your submission?/¿Título de su entrega?

"Harlequin" By Pablo Picasso (Getty Museum Imitation Challenge)

Date created?/¿En qué fecha se creado?


Your submission will be published online. Would you like for it to be anonymous?/¿Le gustaría que se publicara su historia de manera anónima en líneo/online?


Place of residence?/Lugar de residencia?

North Carolina

Please write a short description of your submission./Escriba, por favor, una descripción breve de su historia (entrega).

This is my first ever attempt at the Getty Musuem Challenge for my Art Appreciation course @ ECU. My name is Irish Youmans, and I'm a Biology Major. I live in Charlotte, NC with my mom, stepdad, my older and younger brother and younger sister. My interests are writing, nature, and animals. I think I'm only somewhat artistic since I mainly write more than I paint, its mostly just adventure stories that I write while I like painting landscapes, but I have painted much since we moved to Charlotte and live in the suburbs. My mom and brother are more artistic since both love making music and my mom has her own painting business called Microphones and Paintbrushes.

The process in recreating this portrait was pretty simple. I had a blue flannel similar to the outfit the person in the painting had, but I had to use tissue paper to make the white frills at the wrist and a trash bag for the one at the base of the neck. For my face, I used a face cream as face paint and used my head scarf to imitate the hair. I also used a spare TV tray and one of my sister's toys as the table to the right of the person in the painting. My older brother took this photo from my phone but couldn't get the focus right at first.

The name of the painting is called "Harlequin" by Pablo Picasso, made in 1901. I chose this artwork since this painting is another form of the art style used in most of Picasso's work. Picasso mostly did abstract art in the form of cubism, which is putting geometric shapes in depictions of humans and other forms. This may seem like an easy one to imitate but putting it together to at least look similar was a little tough since the flannel I used was stored away and I could barely find it, I also tried to add the flowers behind me but we didn't have any flowers in our house (even fake ones) so I worked to make this as accurate as possible. It would be a self portrait since Picasso created the original painting with the use of the Harlequin dressed in shapes.

It was a good way to see how creative I could be with a painting like this and how I could pull it off with the materials around me. It's a cool project since it can show someone's creative side and see what they could do. Even people who live mainly at home or even in dorms/apartments at ECU would have to be even more creative with more limited resources they would have. This challenge really would show how creative people can be like most of the paintings recreated by other people.

In order to contribute, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions. I am submitting a digital file related to my COVID-19 related experiences on my own behalf. I grant East Carolina University Academic Library Services permission to include my submission in a publicly available online collection. I understand that my submission shall be made available to the public for original research, subject to no limitations or qualifications. I retain the copyright to my works./Para poder contribuir debe leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones. Aquí en mi propio nombre presento un archivo digital relacionado con mis experiencias durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Con éste les doy permiso a los Servicios Académicos de la Biblioteca (Academic Library Services) de East Carolina University para que incluyan mi entrega en una colección online abierta al público. Entiendo que mi presentación estará disponible al público para investigación original y no estará sujeta a restriccionés ni reservas. Mantengo, asimismo, propiedad intelectual de mis obras.

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