Collected Item: “SELFIE IN A MASK”
Your name/Nombre y apellido(s)?
What kind of item would you like to submit?/¿Qué tipo de artículo quiere donar?
Personal Reflection/Comentario Personal
Title of your submission?/¿Título de su entrega?
Date created?/¿En qué fecha se creado?
March 15, 2022
Your submission will be published online. Would you like for it to be anonymous?/¿Le gustaría que se publicara su historia de manera anónima en líneo/online?
Place of residence?/Lugar de residencia?
Greenville, NC
Please write a short description of your submission./Escriba, por favor, una descripción breve de su historia (entrega).
Hi guys, my name is Elizabeth Grund, and I am going into the major of Business Management. I am from Charlotte, North Carolina and came to ECU originally for the nursing program but changed by mind quickly for business management. For years, when I was little, I drew tons of artwork which has gradually gotten better. My dad was a very good artist, so I like to think I got that from him.
From looking at this project at the beginning, I immediately knew I wanted to base it off of the covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has not only affected me greatly but friends and family members as well. I used the black background with gray effect to show how depressing and sad the pandemic was on me and others. The message of my mask is not only show how sad and upsetting the pandemic was but to also show that it was quite, in simple terms, boring. The entire world shut down, with almost everyone going online, airports and businesses shutting down with leaving people with not many things to do. This caused great hardship, worriedness, and depression seeing the world shut down and this unknown virus, at the time, take over. This mask not only shows feelings that I encountered but feelings that my friends and families expressed as well.
I will not wear this mask in public since it is quite personal to me showing the horrible feelings I encountered during the pandemic. This shows my true self and how I felt during the pandemic. Although there is a lot of darkness in my photo, I wanted to show a bit of light, specifically on the words, to show I am growing stronger and getting past these feelings.
My photo is aesthetically pleasing from the dark and light effects showing depression. The simple words on the mask also show a feeling of dampening to express everything shutting down and allowing us not to be able to do anything. The effects are unique compared to everyone else's and shows that it is okay to have to these feelings. Usually, people hide their emotions behind their mask, but it is okay to express them.
(Mentally Unstable, Confused, Sleep Deprived, Lonely, Scared, Lost, Avoided)
From looking at this project at the beginning, I immediately knew I wanted to base it off of the covid-19 pandemic. This pandemic has not only affected me greatly but friends and family members as well. I used the black background with gray effect to show how depressing and sad the pandemic was on me and others. The message of my mask is not only show how sad and upsetting the pandemic was but to also show that it was quite, in simple terms, boring. The entire world shut down, with almost everyone going online, airports and businesses shutting down with leaving people with not many things to do. This caused great hardship, worriedness, and depression seeing the world shut down and this unknown virus, at the time, take over. This mask not only shows feelings that I encountered but feelings that my friends and families expressed as well.
I will not wear this mask in public since it is quite personal to me showing the horrible feelings I encountered during the pandemic. This shows my true self and how I felt during the pandemic. Although there is a lot of darkness in my photo, I wanted to show a bit of light, specifically on the words, to show I am growing stronger and getting past these feelings.
My photo is aesthetically pleasing from the dark and light effects showing depression. The simple words on the mask also show a feeling of dampening to express everything shutting down and allowing us not to be able to do anything. The effects are unique compared to everyone else's and shows that it is okay to have to these feelings. Usually, people hide their emotions behind their mask, but it is okay to express them.
(Mentally Unstable, Confused, Sleep Deprived, Lonely, Scared, Lost, Avoided)
In order to contribute, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions. I am submitting a digital file related to my COVID-19 related experiences on my own behalf. I grant East Carolina University Academic Library Services permission to include my submission in a publicly available online collection. I understand that my submission shall be made available to the public for original research, subject to no limitations or qualifications. I retain the copyright to my works./Para poder contribuir debe leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones. Aquí en mi propio nombre presento un archivo digital relacionado con mis experiencias durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Con éste les doy permiso a los Servicios Académicos de la Biblioteca (Academic Library Services) de East Carolina University para que incluyan mi entrega en una colección online abierta al público. Entiendo que mi presentación estará disponible al público para investigación original y no estará sujeta a restriccionés ni reservas. Mantengo, asimismo, propiedad intelectual de mis obras.