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Documenting COVID-19 in Eastern North Carolina

Collected Item: “Melting Mask”

Your name/Nombre y apellido(s)?

Amber Lucido

What kind of item would you like to submit?/¿Qué tipo de artículo quiere donar?


Title of your submission?/¿Título de su entrega?

Melting Mask

Date created?/¿En qué fecha se creado?

March 14 2022

Your submission will be published online. Would you like for it to be anonymous?/¿Le gustaría que se publicara su historia de manera anónima en líneo/online?


Place of residence?/Lugar de residencia?

Greenville NC

Please write a short description of your submission./Escriba, por favor, una descripción breve de su historia (entrega).

I’m Amber Lucido I am a sophomore this year and I am studying communications with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in sports studies. One of my favorite forms of art is writing and it has always been a passion of mine. Especially when I can turn that writing into some sort of presentation because when I am passionate about a subject I am a talker and innovator.

My mask was sort of out of the ordinary and was used only out of snow and the right lighting for my photography. I was originally was going to do the recreating art pieces but over spring break it snowed and inspiration stuck. I just shoved my face in snow not really expecting much out of it. It just did it because the cold always makes me feel relaxed and when I went down in the snow and popped up I had a face or a mask if you will, sitting right in front of me and it perfectly portrayed my experience with the pandemic.

Of course, I can never wear this mask in public because it did melt but I think it shows the true beauty of the experience I had with COVID-19. No matter how stressed I was and as you can see it is almost like I’m screaming into the snow by how much anxiety and stress the pandemic gave me and my family. The snow melting away (my “mask”) melting away really shows how my anxiety and stress can melt away as well.

I believe the photo is also aesthetically pleasing the snow glistening and how beautiful the snow is with such strong emotion placed in the snow shows me that everything has a silver lining. I believe that this mask really shows how stressed and how we all wanted to let a scream out or two during the pandemic and even though we dealt with so much stress and anxiety it showed how there is beautiful underlying detail in all of this. As we are all college students it was good to maybe spend some extra time with my parents before I move away forever. It also shows just like snow, our feelings melt away.

In order to contribute, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions. I am submitting a digital file related to my COVID-19 related experiences on my own behalf. I grant East Carolina University Academic Library Services permission to include my submission in a publicly available online collection. I understand that my submission shall be made available to the public for original research, subject to no limitations or qualifications. I retain the copyright to my works./Para poder contribuir debe leer y aceptar los términos y condiciones. Aquí en mi propio nombre presento un archivo digital relacionado con mis experiencias durante la pandemia de COVID-19. Con éste les doy permiso a los Servicios Académicos de la Biblioteca (Academic Library Services) de East Carolina University para que incluyan mi entrega en una colección online abierta al público. Entiendo que mi presentación estará disponible al público para investigación original y no estará sujeta a restriccionés ni reservas. Mantengo, asimismo, propiedad intelectual de mis obras.

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